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开雷,男,博士,教授,学士毕业于中国矿业大学生物工程,硕士毕业于浙江大学(硕博连读)微生物学,博士毕业于德国达姆施塔特工业大学生物学。2012.10 - 2015.05 在德国达姆施塔特工业大学担任讲师(Habilitation,具有评教授的资质);2015.05 在德国马普所生化研究所做研究员(Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter);2017.06 在江苏师范大学评为教授。


在达姆施塔特工业大学任讲师期间,承担了本科生课程Plant physiology(植物生理学)等教学任务。参与了学校多媒体教学改革,协助完成了两门本科课程的网络化设计及录制内容。同时,培养博士生1名,硕士生3名,联合培养博士生(南京农业大学与德国达姆施塔特工业大学)2名。2015年到德国马普所生化研究所任职研究员工作以来,与德国工程院院士Petra Schwille教授联合指导博士生6名。



1.Yue K., Zhu Y., Kai L. “Cell-Free Protein Synthesis: Chassis towards the minimal cell”. Cells, 2019

2.Kai, L.* and Schwille, P*. “Cell-Free Protein Synthesis and Its Perspectives for Assembling Cells from the Bottom-Up”. Advanced Biosystems, 1800322.

3.Jia, H., Kai, L., Heymann, M., García-Soriano, D. A., Härtel, T., & Schwille, P. (2018). Light-induced Printing of Protein Structures on Membranes in vitro. Nano letters, 18(11), 7133-7140.

4.Jia H., Heymann M., Bernhard F., Schwille P., Kai L.* “Cell-free protein synthesis in micro compartments: building a minimal cell from biobricks”. N. Biotechnol. 2017, 39: 199-205.

5.Lei Kai, Erika Orbán, Erik Henrich, Davide Proverbio, Volker Dötsch, Frank Bernhard. Co-translational stabilization of insoluble proteins in cell-free expression systems. Methods in Molecular Biology (2015), 1258:125-43

6.Lei Kai, Ralf Kaldenhoff. A refined model of water and CO2 membrane diffusion: Effects and contribution of sterols and proteins. Scientific Reports, (2014) 4: 6665

7.Ralf Kaldenhoff, Lei Kai, Norbert Uehlein. Aquaporins and membrane diffusion of CO2 in living organisms. BBA-General Subjects, (2014), 1840 (5) 1592-1595

8.Xu Zhang, Jiazhang Lian, Lei Kai, Lei Huang, Peilin Cena, Zhinan Xu. Enhanced functional expression of aquaporin Z via fusion of in situcleavable leader peptides in Escherichia coli cell-free system. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, (2014) 55: 26-30

9.Christian Roos, Lei Kai, Stefan Haberstock, Davide Proverbio, Umesh Ghoshdastider, Yi Ma, Slawomir Filipek, Xiaoning Wang, Volker Dötsch1 and Frank Bernhard. High Level Cell-Free Production of Membrane Proteins into Nanodiscs. Methods in Molecular Biology (2014), 1118: 109-130

10.Lei Kai, Volker Dötsch, Ralf Kaldenhoff, Frank Bernhard. Artificial Environments for the Co-Translational Stabilization of Cell-Free Expressed Proteins.Plos one (2013) 8(2): e56637

2020年6月19日 17:02